Sunday, February 10, 2008


Short but sweet political conversation:
The son: Daddy, you should vote for Barack O'Mama (Obama).
The pop: I'm more conservative son, I might vote for someone else. I don't know yet.
The son: If I were a grown-up I'd vote for Barack O'Mama.
The pop; Why son ?
The son: I don't know !!!! I just think you should vote for him.
The pop: What about Hillary ?
The son: Who ? ......... I just wish I could vote.
The pop: (Smiling....thinking: "I know the ancestors are smiling too."
(Photo - The Sun-son on his fifth born-day 2 years ago)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you the Buh Rock who blogged today (Saturday) on Fox&Friends? If so, I need to tell you I so agreed with your comments.